LOGOVISTA LogoVista メディカル 2018 ベーシック for Mac.セイブフェイス スポーツユーティリティマスク防滴・防風 グレイレンズSP-0 水上バイク ジェットスキー ボート SAVEPHACE. 【送料無料】ロゴヴィスタ LVMEBX18MV0 LogoVista メディカル 2018 ベーシック for Mac【在庫目安:お取り寄せ】新作専門店! 【送料無料】ロゴヴィスタ LVMEBX18MV0 LogoVista メディカル 2018 ベーシック for Mac【在庫目安:お取り寄せ】店舗より激安!.
Inclement Weather Procedures Texas weather is unpredictable and can change rapidly. If school is cancelled or the start of the school day is delayed, the District will call, text, and email the families of all students using the ParentLink notification system.
Updates on school closures will also available on the LVISD Website and on the. The news media will be notified of school closures as soon as the decision is made. At the beginning of the year, you will be asked to fill out an information sheet on how your child should go home in case of an emergency dismissal during the school day.
Please notify the school of any changes in how you want your child to go home or any change in emergency contact information as soon as possible. It is important that phone numbers are kept up-to-date in the school's database so that these calls can accurately reach parents. If there is a change to your phone number, please contact the front office of your student's school and report these changes as soon as they are known. Please note, if there are no changes to the regular school day, the District does not send out emails or other forms of communication. Road closures can be verified by calling Travis County Road Closure Hotline at (512) 854-4500. Keeping Track of Grades By acquiring a, you will be able to view your child(ren)'s grades and attendance.
Parents of Lago Vista ISD students in grades 2-12 can use txConnect to access student grades, while all Lago Vista parents (Kindergarten - Grade 12) can use txConnect to check and keep up with their attendance. The recommended browser for txConnect is Internet Explorer 6.0 or later. TxConnect will also work with Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later for Windows XP or Windows 2000. Mac OS X users should use Firefox. Please check your browser settings to ensure that your browser is set up to accommodate the txConnect requirements. Paying for Student Meals Online Lago Vista ISD is now using, an online payment service to manage your student's meal account. You can securely fund your student's account via credit card, debit card or your checking account.
You will be able to review purchases, see current balance, and receive low balance alerts. The account options are flexible - make a one payment, set up a recurring payment, or set a payment schedule when the account reaches a specified amount. First, create an account on and add your students. If you have multiple children, you can make multiple deposits for each child during your transaction. Next, make a payment. The deposit amount can be placed against a credit card, debit card or your checking account. All payments are securely processed using our highly secure website and encryption.
All payments are quickly credited to your students account. If you have any questions or problems, you may contact Stacey Widdecombe, Director of School Nutrition Services at (512) 267-8300 x1516. Information (Click to download and print the PDF.).
Lago Vista ISD uses to help keep our schools safe. Is a bilingual, confidential website, e-mail, phone and texting avenue for students, teachers, staff, parents and community members to be able to confidentially report unsafe behaviors, suspicious activities, bullying, acts of violence, harassment, and a host of other potential disruptors to school safety. Reportable information will be forwarded in a timely manner to a pre-designated school official for review. For more information, visit our page.
Lago Vista ISD has a vital interest in maintaining a positive learning environment that is safe and healthy for all students. To fulfill that purpose, the District designed a random drug testing program as a positive, proactive approach to promote a drug free student body. The program is academically non-punitive.
However, it is designed to teach self-responsibility and that there are consequences for misbehavior. All students in grades 7-12 who choose to participate in school-sponsored extracurricular activities must participate in the random drug testing program. To access forms and information on this policy, please visit the page. Each campus in Lago Vista ISD may choose to produce an annual yearbook.
At the middle school and high school, students are given the opportunity to plan and produce the yearbook while exploring the world of print and visual media. They will become familiar with photography, page layouts, design, and the editing process. Additionally, students will learn about what it means to build a respectful, responsible, and safe school community through discussion and project based learning opportunities. At the elementary campus, the Lago Vista Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) gathers and produces the yearbook. High School Advisor: Cody Pruitt Middle School Advisor: Melissa Hergenreder Yearbook Committee Members: Davin Vogler Kim Bentley Elementary PTO Chairperson.